Hello Anglers, 

now is the time to book your 2025 fishing trip! Booking early guarantees you to get the dates you want and if you need multiple boats, it gives us time to reserve captains.  We also provide accommodation. When you call Captain Shawn , if he cannot answer, please leave him a message with your name and number. All calls will be returned. 225-205-5353 CALL TODAY! 


Haven’t posted a report in so long! 
Been on Facebook more… Anyway, if you are not into hunting during Fall or Winter, why not come down to Louisiana in the Venice area for some fishing? The Redfish , bull redfish and keeper Redfish are here all year long. We have openings in November and December and we can talk about next year fishing trip! Give me a call at 225-205-5353 and let’s book that Bull Redfish fishing trip! 


May it be healthy and prosperous!

Redfish fishing in Venice, Louisiana never stops. It may slow dow for the Bull Redfish when they go offshore, but that is it… We have been doing very with keeper Redfish and very nice Trouts lately…

Now, is always the time for you to call to book the dates YOU PREFER! 
If you wait too long, we might not be able to accommodate you, mainly if we need to book another boat for you, depending the size of your group. We always welcome your questions so do not hesitate to call Captain Shawn at: 225-205-5353. Experienced angler or beginner, do call and ask questions. 
Bull Redfishing in Venice, Louisiana is famous. Come to enjoy the fun and excitement! It gets heart pumping when a 25 pounder pulls on your drag…   Call now! 


Hoping your Thanksgiving Holiday went well.

NOW IS THE TIME to book your 2024  fishing trips. Early birds catch the worm that catches the Bull Redfish
and you can get the dates that accommodate YOU the most! 
No need to send deposits before January 2024 for a Spring trip. The book is wide open, for now…                     Give me a call at 225-205-5353 before 6 pm, any day…


Hello fellow anglers,

i don’t know where you are but here in Louisiana it is VERY HOT! The Mississippi is very low and the salt water is infiltrating our water system… not good

But the Venice Louisiana fishing is still going on… the fish are here, only deeper and a bit more difficult to find…  Check our Facebook page and like it! I got plenty of pictures there…

A few things are going to change regarding limits on Sea Trout and Redfish, including Bull Redfish, so stay tuned and I will let you know about those changes.
The months of November and December are wide open as far as dates, so call me NOW to reserve your Fall dates.



In case you don’t want to come down to Venice Louisiana to catch some Redfish and are a duck hunter looking for lodging during your hunt, we can help. We can put our house at your disposition. You can look at it under our lodging page on this website. 

NOW, is a good time to call to reserve your dates for next year. By calling early you can get the dates YOU want. Do not wait February to come in March. The sooner, the better. Bullred action is pretty good right now. I still have open days for November and December. Our Winters are mild. The Redfish, slots for the freezer or Bullreds stay in the area. 
Venice is an all year long fishing paradise!  Come enjoy it! 


Something that you need to be aware of: Bull Redfish fishing and slot size Redfish fishing is NOT the same kind of fishing. Each requires a different rig and usually are not caught in the same areas. Bull Redfish are caught with plastic lures and you best bet to catch slot Redfish would be to use live shrimp. If available, we can get those for you at market price. 
So, when you book your fishing trip with the Venice fishing guide of your choice, it is a very good idea to tell him what you want to go after when you book your trip.


 DUE TO CANCELLATIONS I have October 8 through the 15 open…

So, if you plan on a trip down our way in Venice, Louisiana, give me a call to book your Redfish Fishing trip. Lodging will be available as well  . Give me a call! Let me know if you are interested in BULL REDFISH or Redfish for the icebox…. 225-205-5353


 Clients often ask how much to tip the Captain that took you fishing. It is entirely up to you. Here is an interesting article
Tipping your Venice Louisiana charter captain or fishing guide is up to you.
This is an article from Daniel Cohen from Fin and Field magazine:

Tips for tipping your fishing guide

by Daniel Cohen Fin and field

Service industry jobs span travel, transportation, hospitality, finance and more. For some of these jobs tipping is standard and for others it is completely unheard of. Most sportsmen know that hunting and fishing guides work in the service industry, most even know that tipping is somewhat customary. But there seems to be a lot of confusion about how much to tip. There is a general rule of at least 8-10%, but that wont apply to every single situation.

Keep in mind that tips can make up a significant part of the guides income as the trip cost alone can be eaten up largely by expenses. Also, guides work harder than you know, there is a lot of prep before you show up and also clean up and maintenance after you leave. A 10 hour adventure might be a 16 hour commitment for the guide. Another common practice is for sportsmen to offer a gift as well as a tip for a guide that delivers a great adventure.

Below are some tips for tipping, if not a complete guide to tipping your guide.

Tips for Hunting and Fishing Guides

-Generally, as a starting point, consider tipping your guide 10% of the trip cost.

-If the guide went above and beyond you would be in line to increase your tip to 15% or even 20%.

-If the guide gets you a world class trophy or checks off something on your bucket list you should really consider what that experience was worth to you. Guides are always working hard, but when they can deliver something special they deserve recognition.

-A tip is NOT required, although much less than 10% usually indicates dissatisfaction.

-If you aren’t sure if you should tip you can always ask the guide if most clients leave a tip.

-Tip based on what the guide can control, don’t withhold a tip because of things that are out of their hands (like weather).

-If your trip includes cooks, hands, or other support staff it is customary to tip them as well. Consider $10-$15 a day. You can also ask the trip organizer or head guide what a customary tip would be for the other staff.

-When on an international adventure you should ask what currency is preferred, often they prefer USD.

-Plan ahead for tips and bring enough cash, you may not be able to easily hit up an ATM.

-Great gifts, beyond a tip, include a decorative knife, a piece of your kit that was admired, a favorite spirit, or meal in a nice restaurant.



Alright! Are you ready for some Bull Redfish action in Venice, Louisiana? October, November and December are around the corner… These are my favorite months to go after Bullreds and sometimes Tripletails… Give me a call and let’s get you on some Redfish fishing dates! 225-205-5353. Call today!


It has been a while since my last report…  Been busy… The Bull Redfish are going to go offshore do their things pretty soon… So, i will take off too, for a few weeks. Venice, Louisiana is still the Capital of Redfish fishing. We have had a few slower days than usual, i must admit but all in all, the fish are still around! Tripletails should start showing up.. They always are fun to catch! And eat! They are delicious… Now is the time to call to reserve your Fall and  Winter 2022-2023 Redfish fishing trip… and why not Spring 2023! You can call , chose your dates and comes January, you send us your deposit to book your dates… Bull Redfish stay around pretty much all year long but my favorite time to catch them is in theWinter months… So, don’t hesitate to call ! 


March 07, 2022

so, you are undecided... how to choose a fishing guide or fishing charter here in Venice Louisiana?  There are more and more...

Look for someone who has been in the area more than a few months, yes some just got here... Make sure they are USCG licensed. Read their fishing reports. What fish species are you after? Redfish keeper? Bull Redfish? It is not the same type of fishing even if it is the same species. They don't hang around the same spots. Your fishing guide or fishing charter captain needs to know what you want to catch. It will help him get his gear ready. Both fish need their own lure as they are not the same. The season also makes a difference with what you want to catch. You have to ask questions to your guide. Call him, leave a message with your name and phone number if he does not answer ( yes, he may be fishing!! :) ) , tell him what you want to do....

Redfishing as we call it down here is very popular, bull redfishing is even more popular. There is a reason why Venice Louisiana is called the Capital of the world of Redfish fishing. 

if you want to target other species, we can do that too! But Redfish is the main fish our clients want to go after. 

Give us a call at 225-205-5353 and lets talk Redfish fishing!

February 17 2022

Bull redfish are on! Scott and Kay from Texas boated 41 of them 3 days ago, 7 the next day and yesterday they decided to go for keepers. They were not disappointed.... Sorry, no picture but their catch was about the same as the picture below...

This is the catch of the day for Joe and Cory from Nebraska. Captain Pete took them out yesterday and they caught a few!

 No photo description available.




hello everyone!

just to let you know that we are open and running  

We have openings for the Spring and  Summer! Now is the time to call as the dates will start to be taken.... We haven’t been sick or near sick people. 
Come get a breath of fresh air and catch some fish too! 




Hello to you anglers

Hoping that 2021 found you healthy and will keep you healthy! 

It has been a difficult year for a great majority of people and we are really hoping that things will get better 

We are open for business, the fish is still here in Venice Louisiana! The winter weather does not bother the Redfish, they stay around all year long, unless it is spawning season... It is not yet! Our Winters are probably milder than yours, so fishing in South Louisiana for Redfish is possible. Give it a thought if you have been confined for a while....

So, if you are interested in catching Bull Reds or keeper Redfish now is a good time to book your next fishing trip. The early bird ( or angler) gets first choice for the dates he wants!

You can go on our Facebook page to see more pictures of the last few months. We were busy, considering the circumstances ( virus), and the cancellations we had . We certainly appreciate the clients that came from many states. Some drove and others were brave enough to fly!

We are ready for another year of catching Bull Reds with you!

Give us a call or email us your questions . 






Venice Louisiana Redfish Fishing Report.

July 08 2020. 

Fish On Guide Service is open for business full speed even though the virus has many businesses slowed down currently. We are lucky. We have been out fishing at a normal pace, mostly after the keeper fish for the ice chest since Spring. Now that July is here it is time to focus on the big BULL Redfish for the next two months. All my trips until the second week of September are with clients that want to target the oversized Redfish. It’s the time of year that seems to be easier to locate the big fish. They give their position more often in the Summer by busting the water or hanging near the more abundant bait pods.

I wish I had something more wonderful and interesting to add, but really I hope something stupid does not interfere with our fishing: like a stupid hurricane, or stupid sharks deciding to move in and tear up our tackle and run the Reds off to deeper water, or anything else that makes my job tough. I like it when tough means I have to lift the Reds in and out of the boat. This Friday kicks it all off for the dedicated Bull Redfish season. We will ice down the water and take a boat ride. Like us on Facebook and share our page, we appreciate you! There are more pictures also....

                                                                              Bill and first Redfish

bill and BullRed

 great job Bill for this bullred

Venice Louisiana Redfish Fishing Report.

April 28, 2020.

This last weekend We had Troy, Randy, and Bill fishing with us from the great city of Memphis in the great state of Tennessee. They traveled South through the great state of Mississippi before entering the great state of Louisiana. Finally, their delightful voyage ended in the great parish of Plaquemines, where they wanted to participate in fishing for Redfish and Speckled Trout. For some reason they wanted me, Capt. Shawn Lanier, to be their host. Troy was down last month with me. He and Randy come fishing with me every year. This time they brought along Bill. Now, Bill is a fine man with long black hair who smokes and prefers Coors light for his beverage. Troy prefers smoking Camels and likes Miller light. Randy does not smoke, but he does put away Bud light efficiently. None of these fine gentleman crush their beer cans before putting them in my designated trash can on the boat, which is one of my live wells that I never have used for bait. I am relieved that they don’t crush their beer cans, because I really don’t like the sound of them being crushed. The sound of a beer can being crushed reminds me of an animal being hit by a vehicle on the highway and dragging up under the vehicle and tearing up the exhaust pipe, and finally rolling off the road into the ditch. These three fine souls from Memphis are my kind of guys.

After launching my trusty bayboat, with the help of my skillful rope holding crew, we commenced to get underway down the muddy Mississippi River to zero in on a likely fishing spot. We found a spot to fish shortly after and proceeded to catch Speckled Trout and Redfish. Mostly trout. The most exciting catch was Bill’s 21 lb. Bull Redfish. Bill’s first Bull Redfish. Anyway, they had a good time and so did I. I can’t wait until they come back.

Business has been slow for April due to the Covid19 virus. May going to be slow as well. Fortunately, not many clients have canceled trips for these months, instead they have postponed until later in the year. I do think fishing is one of the safer activities people could participate in during this time. We have to get out of the house sometime and practice safe behavior. Keep a safe distance from others, watch what you touch, wash your hands a lot. This virus is not going away anytime soon. You may as well book you a fishing trip if you had wanted to to begin with. You more likely to catch it at the grocery store or touching cash. Be careful out there. Have a good one. Adios, Amigos.

 Spinner Bait Bob and Bullred to be mounted
will and bullre!
James and Cory
nice Bull Reds!






Venice Louisiana Redfish Fishing Report. 

February 22 2020. 


This February has been some pretty decent fishing for us for the big Redfish around the Venice Louisiana area. We have had some days where we boated over thirty of the big fish, and some days we only boated a dozen, but no really bad days. We have caught our fish on popping cork rigs and some oversized spinner baits that I get from some dick move guy up in Missouri. Yesterday would most likely been a bad day. The wind blew to gale force. Glad I was not out there on the water.  

The Mississippi River stage is at 15.3 feet and is supposed to be at 16.5 feet within a week. No big surprise about that. The last few years the Mississippi River has been higher than average. No big deal as far as the fishing goes. The high river pushes the fish to the outside bays and beaches where I fish most of the time anyway.  

The fog has been a real problem when we get a southerly wind off the gulf, making my job more difficult. The fish don’t mind the fog, so we navigate slowly down the river looking at our radar screens. Nothing new for this time of year. 

So, everything is kind of normal here in Venice this Winter. It doesn’t suck. The fishing is pretty good most days. Come on down. Book a fishing trip. Life is good. Take a look at some of the pictures I took of some folks holding some nice fish. Make my day. 




Not bad Jim! nice Redfish!

Venice Louisiana Redfish Fishing Report.

February 04 2020. 

February and the second half of January is the best time of year to have a shot at a trophy :BULL” Redfish. I don’t know why that is, but we catch the heaviest fish during the Winter Months. I took out Dwain and Jim from Georgia to target the big Reds the last couple days and we caught some nice ones. The fish liked the spinner baits more than the cork rigs. The fish started hitting the corks instead of the plastic up under it, so we started throwing the spinner and had better success with hook ups. Most of the fish we boated were over 20 lbs., with our heaviest at 27.5 lbs.

Summer time, late June, July, August, and the first week of September are the best time to come fishing for the big bull Redfish for sheer numbers of them. They are easier to locate during this time of year. The weather is more stable is probably the reason. The second half of October, November, and early December are very good for big Reds as well.

We have a busy schedule on the books for this year, but have openings if you want to get in on some fishing action. April and May are good months to put keeper Redfish and Speckled Trout in the ice chest to take home. Contact us if you would like to talk about it. Thanks.



Venice Louisiana Redfish Fishing Report.

January 4, 2020.

 Down here at Fish On Venice , we have been busy doing more maintenance and chores than fishing, so far this year (2020). We poured concrete in one of our boatsheds. We put a new metal roof on Capt. Pete’s house. We changed water pumps on the boats. A bunch of other stuff. I have to order a couple loads of limestone for the driveway, because it sinks and disappears. All kinds of chores to do while things are slow for business. Business always slows down in late December and early January. Not that the fishing can not be good during this time, but all the fishing charters pick up in February.

Last week I took a couple guys out on a redfish charter. I had not been out fishing for a while, but went through my standard procedure. First, determine where you know you don’t want to fish based on the winds for the last two days, then figure out where your best shot at catching fish is. The two best areas to try to fish were not fishable the day we were going out, but we went down the Mississippi River in protected water and did well on larger slot Redfish, a few big “BULL” Redfish, and big Black Drum. We fished a wind blown cane bank and did not move around much, because the fish were liking that bank we were on. It was a good day.

2019 was a really good year for us on the Redfish charters, as well as other species like Speckled Trout. The Trout fishing was particularly good this last November and early December .  So far in 2020, we are getting a good many calls for fishing out of Fish On Venice Lodge for dates through out this year. If you are interested, please, give us a call and we can discuss when would be the best time to target your favorite inshore species of fish.



We wanted to wish you all a Very Healthy, Prosperous and Happy New Year!
May 2020 be as good and better than 2019!

Reminder: We are open in Winter too.... the Fish stay around... 

Give us a call to reserve your Next fishing trip. Now is the time to get the dates you want.

Anyway, see you next year! 😊


Venice Louisiana Redfish Fishing Report.   Ray and Angela braving the cold

December 3, 2019.

The last couple of weeks of November have really been good fishing for the big “BULL” Redfish, slot Redfish, and Speckled Trout. My clients wanted to target the species of fish based on the conditions of the day, so the fish bite worked out. The calmer days, when the seas were calmer, we went after the big fish. On the windier days we stayed in the marsh and targeted the Specs, along with Sheepshead and slot Redfish. It all worked out good to end the year for fishing. December has some really good fishing to offer, but, as usual, not many people book fishing trips with me in December. We have had a really busy year, so a break from guiding is fine. I have a long list of chores and projects to get started on, including maintenance on the houses.

I get asked a lot “When is the best time of year to come fish the Venice area?” The best time is when you can come. We fish all twelve months. 2/3 of the time is fair to good fishing, and 1/3 of the time is slow to not so good fishing. On average this is the case. We want to fish when they are active and stay home when they don’t bite. We don’t know what is going on until we go try.

A really good way to end the year. We really crushed the Big “BULL” Redfish yesterday and the day before. My clients had to surrender before quitting time because they had had enough. We left the fish biting. The Reds were on a rampage before this cold front. If I had Bull Redfish clients today and tomorrow the conditions would be difficult to target the big fish. Really rough seas.

I still have a few days open in December for DAY TRIPS if you are in the mood for fishing …..

Give me a call to book your next year fishing trip! My book is wide open and the sooner you call, the more chance to get your preferred dates you will have…



Venice Louisiana Redfish report.

October 6, 2019

. Wayne and Randy from North Carolina, pretty proud of their Bullreds catches.


  Todd proud of his 35lb Bull Redfish.

The big “BULL” Redfish have started to move to the coastline, and are easier to locate now that September is over with and October has arrived. September is the toughest month of the year to find numbers of big Redfish and I am glad it is over with. Even so, we caught some 30 plus pound fish last week. Pete and I have been out the last week with two groups of clients running two boats with three per boat. The East wind has kept us on the West side of the Mississippi River. Using artificial lures, our guests have boated between twenty and thirty Redfish between 15 to 35 lbs.  90% have been over 20 lbs.  Probably 20 of those fish were over 30 lbs. You are not going to boat them all. About half our hook ups spit the hook after pulling out drag. THAT IS HOW IT GOES! The Redfish’s job is to spit the hook, and they are on the job.

Winter is approaching. Wintertime Bull Redfishing is exceptional 70% of the time. If a strong front comes through we might not go out that day, but we go out the next few days. December, January, and February is when you can catch the heaviest on average Redfish. This Fall should be real good as well. We are all booked up until December arrives. Anyway, all is going well for us. Not everyday is a good bite, but I wish it were. 

Call now to reserve your days on the water in 2020!



Venice Louisiana Redfish fishing Report.

September 2, 2019.

The big “BULL” Redfish bite has been awesome here in the Venice, Louisiana area. We have been fishing around the mouth of different passes and the outside bays for the over sized Redfish. A big soft plastic under a popping cork finds the Bull Redfish and then we can start throwing top water plugs for them. The more experienced anglers throw top waters without hooks, because it’s the blowup on the lure that is exciting more so than boating the fish. Safer for me too. I have been out on the water about 90% of the time since April or March, and its time for a voluntary slowdown now that September has arrived. The big “BULL” Redfish seem to go offshore for three weeks or so this month and are difficult to locate, so I try not to book trips targeting the big Reds. I am tired. The slot Redfish fishing is good in September, especially since the Mississippi River stage has dropped considerably. We have started fishing in the passes of the river for keeper size fish. We will start targeting the oversized fish again late this month, and expect October through the first of the year to be really good fishing for any inshore fishing. The biggest and heaviest Redfish on average seem to always be around during the Wintertime months. We had a great January and February this year. The conditions are tougher in the Winter months, so we have to be tougher and deal with the cold, moisture, wind, and fog.

Great year for us. We really appreciate the great fishing captains that help us, and our great customers.

Please, don’t forget to like our reports on Facebook and share them too! We appreciate you!



  Double Reds for these anglers from Kentucky!





Venice Louisiana Redfish Fishing Report.

June 20, 2019.


Good news! The “BULL” Redfish have been showing up along the coastline in big numbers in some of the areas we would expect them to be. Hopefully, the weather will let us get to them on the days we want to target them. Hopefully, the big Reds will start showing up in a lot more areas along the coastline, so we can target them with different wind and sea directions. We get a high Mississippi River every Spring, but this year the river has been high for a much longer period of time, so all the fresh water seems to have pushed the bait farther off the coast and the oversized Reds have followed the bait to deeper waters. The high river has actually helped congregate the slot Redfish to the outside bays and beaches all this Spring, and has made them easy to target, although the last couple of weeks they have been more difficult to find. I don’t know why they have been harder to find. The only constant is change it seems. We have to figure out what is going on with the fish every day. The fact that the big Redfish have been showing up in bigger numbers is great, because almost all my clients in July and August want to target the big “BULL”  Redfish.  July and August seem to be the easiest months to locate the big Redfish. December through mid March are when you catch the heaviest Reds. Winter time is when you want to come for a “trophy Bull Redfish”. Fall is really good for them as well. I think Spring is when you want to come fish with a Venice Louisiana fishing charter for fish to take home and eat. Things always change. I’ts fishing. We are lucky that we fish here all year long. I sure hope we don’t have a hurricane hit us this year. All good so far. Hope all is going well for you all.



Venice Louisiana Redfish Fishing Report.

June 07 2019.

Some big “BULL” Redfish have showed up the last few days. We have mostly been slot Redfish fishing, but have seen sign of big fish and have stopped the boat and have had really good action on the big fish until they disappear. I wish they would bite all day long, but the bite has died out after an hour or so. It is encouraging to see them come in out of the deeper water and show themselves. The bite should steadily get better on the oversized BULL Reds. The slot Redfish have been biting good half the day, especially early. I wish I could report that everything has been easy as far as the fish bite, but it comes and goes. We just keep moving if we don’t have a bite, and then we get a good bite and make up for the slow times. We have been coming back to the lodge with coolers full of fish. I wish the first stop in the morning was the mother load of fish, but it has not been “easy”. Main thing is everyone has had a good time. We just had to keep working at it.

Call now to reserve your Winter trip! Like our page on Facebook and share our reports! we appreciate it!




  Kevin from Colorado


Venice Louisiana Redfish fishing Report.

May 6, 2019.

 I say, I say, boy the Big “Bull” Redfish fishing has been on the tough side lately. We have caught some nice big ones, but not a lot of numbers. Fortunately, most of my clients lately have wanted to target fish to take home. The slot Redfish fishing has been good, and we have been filling the cooler with Reds and some Specs.

Here is the deal with the Bull Redfish fishing months. Keep in mind there is always good days and tough days with the big Redfish. The “BULL” Redfish are always along the Louisiana coast. The toughest time to get them close to the coastline are mid March to late June. Also, September. The best time to target the big “BULL” Redfish is mid June, July, August, October, November, December, January, February, the first two weeks of March. Not September. The heaviest fish will usually be in the Winter. Late March through middle of June and September are tougher months for big Redfish, but great for the eating size Reds and other eating fish. That is what I know, but I am not always right.

We have been really busy here at the Fish ON Guide Service and we appreciate everyone coming fishing with us. Really great folks from New Jersey, Texas, Colorado, Oregon, South Carolina...





Will and bullred

will and bullred




March 26, 2019.

We have had some really nice outdoorsmen fishing with us the last couple of weeks from Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina. Most everyone wanted to take fish home to eat, so we mostly targeted the slot Redfish. The slot Reds have been biting more consistently than the “BULL” Redfish, although we have also caught some really big Reds when we tried for them. We have also caught some big fish while targeting the small ones. Dead Shrimp under a cork has been working good for a bite in the murky water that we have.

I have had a couple of calls from some people scheduled to fish with me concerned about the high Mississippi River. The river is always high here this time of year. The Army Corp. of Engineers has open up the spillways North of New Orleans to take pressure off the river where we fish and navigate. If I think it is too dangerous to fish, I will call off trips. Let me worry about that. The high river has the fish thick on the outside areas. All good.







Venice Louisiana Fishing Report.

March 17, 2019.

 It has been a while since I have given a fishing report, because of no particularly reason. The fishing has been good on the days we have been out. Late December. January, and February are our slowest months, but the fishing during this time is really good 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time the wind is blowing really hard and it makes fishing tough. I do think the biggest Redfish are caught in the winter months. The average weight of the “BULL” Redfish is heavier during the cold months. We started getting really busy now that we are in March. The slot Redfish have been easy to find, and the oversized big Redfish have cooperated as well. There are only a couple of areas that have been holding both the small and big Redfish, so we watch the direction of the wind and seas so as to know where we can fish. The fog has really been around a lot this year. I mean really thick fog. Sometimes, it never burns off the river all day. It really makes it difficult to navigate, especially in narrow channels where the radar screen is not as clear. You have to have confidence in your electronics or you will go nuts. Its kinda stressful maintaining your concentration while navigating in thick fog for twenty miles one way. The cold and high Mississippi River creates all the fog, especially with a southerly wind. The river has been high since last Fall, which is not normal. Everyone knows the Mississippi River is high this year. Just turn the tv on, and watch the news. Logs are floating down the East side of river everywhere. We have three times more dredging equipment down river than normal to keep the river navigation open. The positive thing about the high river is that it has all the Redfish staged on the outside beaches, bays, and coves. All the fresh water forced them out. There is always something good about something bad as far as conditions to fish down here and vice versa. Anyway, we are busy fishing. The slower time of the year is done with. I did not get done with all my non fishing Winter projects. Have a good one.



Venice Louisiana Fishing Report.
December 6, 2018

The busy season for fishing charters is over for me for this year, but its not because the fishing is not good. It is because business always slows down into December. The fishing for slot Redfish has been outstanding for the last couple of weeks. The high Mississippi River levels have pushed the fish to the outside bays, so the fish are thick there. Plus, the fish are biting, which is not always the case. We have had windy conditions most of the time, so the big “BULL” Redfish have been hard to get to on the outside beaches and bays. We have had to fish behind the canes for slot Redfish and an occasional “BULL”. The Mississippi River stage is around 10 ft. and it is going to rise some more, so I expect the slot Redfish action to be consistently good. Who knows. If the wind would quit blowing hard all the time we could get on the big fish consistently.
We just fished two boats for the last three days with our clients from Kentucky and Massachusetts. It was a great bite all three days even though we had windy conditions. We have had a super busy year. The weather this year has been more unstable than average, so we had more days that were tough. However, we had some great days when I did not think we would do well at all. I wish the fish always bit good. I always tell folks that want to book a trip for next year to call me after new years day, but I have been getting quite a few calls recently for fishing next year. Remember this: The Winter fishing here can be terrific. June, July, August, and October have been the top months for the big Redfish the last couple of years – not September, although it has been great for slot Reds.
I will post a few pics after this post. they are from the few past weeks...
Thank you for a busy year 2018.
We met clients and left new friends...
Leila and I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

See you in 2019!









catching bull redfish in venice louisiana

catching bull redfish in venice louisiana


picture from this past Monday. conditions were tough but the Mays were tougher...


Venice Louisiana Fishing Report coming soon... We have been pretty busy and I haven’t had a minute to recap and write a report. All i can say is that the Bull Redfish are here to be caught!


 Please, check our Facebook page to watch a short video with Mike Iaconelli. He did a show ( Fish my city) about New Orleans and came fishing for Bull Redfish in Venice Louisiana, with us. It was fun! 


Venice Louisiana fishing report.

September 4, 2018

We have been really busy here at Fish On for the last month. Really, we have been busy since March. We postponed the fishing trips for the next few days due to hurricane-tropical storm Gordon. I am treating it as a vacation. I need a few days to get off my feet some. I have had very few days off. I am thankful to be busy, but we need a break here and there.

The fishing has been good. As usual, we have been targeting the Redfish, especially the big “BULL” Redfish, but also the slot Redfish. We have caught a few Tripletail as well. We have had to dodge some popup thunderstorms, but the cloud cover has made it comfortable to fish. It has been cooler here than inland. The Mississippi River stage has been low, so the slot Redfish have been biting in the river passes. The oversized Reds have been off the outside bays and beaches as usual. As long as we don’t have more tropical disturbances I would guess that the fishing will be consistant.  I would not say the fishing has been great, just good. We have to find the fish every day. The sooner we find the fish the better.

I sure am glad we are getting the west side of this storm. Go to our Facebook page for pictures....

Stay safe.


Venice Louisiana Fishing Report.

July 30, 2018

July has been a really good month overall for the big Redfish bite. The weather has been calm, so we have been able to move around to different areas to locate the “BULL” Redfish. We have had the Summertime pop up thunderstorms that give us some cloud cover to keep us less hot. As long as we don’t get under the storms they actually work for us instead of against us by keeping us cooler. We usually are not fully booked this time of year, I suppose, because people don’t want to deal with the heat, but the “BULL” Redfish fishing can be outstanding. This year we are almost fully booked for whatever reason right now into early December. Some days we can add another group of anglers for a third boat. Hopefully, we don’t have a hurricane to rock our world. One thing is for sure: Every day is different in the fishing guide business. If only the fish bite was great every time we went out on the water…

Check our Facebook page for pictures....



Venice Louisiana fishing Report.

June 18, 2018.


Capt. Pete and Capt. Clint and Capt. Eddie have been helping us put our clients on fish for the last couple of weeks. We have had some large and small groups of anglers from Tennessee, New Jersey, Georgia, California, Wyoming, Texas, and other places. Other than the last two days the fish have been on a rampage. They can’t feed hard every day, but I want them to. Both the big “BULL” Redfish and the slot Redfish have been easy to locate most days. We have been having good stable weather most days, so we have been having more areas to hunt the fish down. The sooner we find them the better, as always.  We have to find them every day. Sometimes, they are where we left them, sometimes they are not.

The biggest Redfish we have boated the last couple of weeks was a 34 pounder. Jane from New Jersey caught the big guy. Last year she boated a 39 pound Redfish. When we target the “BULL” Redfish they have averaged around 20 pounds. We have been using artificial lures in the murky water that they like to hang around in.

We have been really busy here at the Fish On Venice Lodge so far this year, and we have a real busy Summer ahead. Summer and Fall are the most consistent months for catching the over size Reds. Hopefully, we will not have a hurricane come our way to ruin our fishing. We shall see.




Venice Louisiana Fishing Report                

May 27, 2018.

We have been super busy here at Fish On, so I have neglected my fishing report thing. It’s a challenge just to return my phone calls. May has been some terrific fishing. The weather has stabilized, so we have been able to move around to find the fish, and even fish some of the offshore shallow water platforms for Speckled Trout. The big “BULL” Redfish have been giving us some solid action as well. That is good news, because for the last two years May and June have been spotty for the big fish. Looks like this year the big Reds are not going to wait until July to turn on. The slot Redfish have cooperated as well. They are not at every spot, but we eventually find them sooner or later. All in all the fishing has been good, and it should get better. Stay tuned for more reports, because I plan on taking time to give them.

Call now to reserve your Fall and Winter dates…

See you soon. Check and like our Facebook page and look at our latest pictures....


                                                                                             Bull Reds for Ron and Roger from California

bull reds in Venice Louisiana


                                                              Ron and Roger from California catching Redfish in Venice Louisiana!

Venice Louisiana Fishing Report.

April 19, 2018. 

We have been so busy fishing that we have not posted a report lately, but we still love you. Pete and I have had clients from California (two groups from way over there), Georgia, Indiana, Texas, and Alabama down fishing the last couple weeks. These are groups of 4 to 6 folks that need two boats. Good thing I have good help.

The fishing has not been bad, but we have really had to work hard for the oversized Redfish. The weather has been unstable and the high river has pushed many of the big Reds offshore where we can’t get to them. However, we have been catching some quality Reds up to 30 lbs. The smaller Reds have been easy to come by. Real easy. We have been accidentally catching Speckled Trout on our Redfish lures as well. The trout fishing has been good for the most part if that is what you want. Most of my clients don’t want to target trout with live shrimp, but that is the ticket for catching trout. March and April seem to be the toughest months to fish as far as I am concerned, but if it was easy everyone would be a guide.

We had a strong front come through this last Saturday with gale force winds Sunday morning.  Monday rolled around and I had to take out a big name in the Bass pro world for Bull Redfish. Pete took out the camera crew to film it. The pro knew it was going to be tough because he is not stupid. We caught a handful of Reds and all were happy. I signed paperwork that won’t let me give out names till the show comes out. It’s been tough, but the only clients that were not super happy were the ones that have been with me before where we caught 40 to 60 Bull Redfish. The lodge is open and we will keep the lights on for you.



Venice Louisiana Fishing Report                                   . Fritz and Bullred.

March 25, 2018

This March has really been good to us on the water and at Fish On. The fishing for the “BULL” Redfish and the slot Redfish have been solid, and we have caught some nice Speckled Trout as well. As usual, the weather has forced us to change fishing locations daily due to the wind direction, but this March has had calmer weather than usual. The Mississippi River stage in New Orleans is just over 16 feet above sea level, but no need to panic, the river rises every Spring. The rise in the Mississippi is a little early this year, which I think is fine.

The slower time of the year for fishing charter bookings is fixing to come to an end, because April is very busy for us. Most days this April we are fishing two to three boats per day. April usually is not that busy. May is extremely busy for us, as usual. I expect the Redfishing and Speckled Trout fishing to continue to be steady. Every day out on the water is different, for sure. We have to find the fish every day, and sooner is better than later.

We still have openings for the top “BULL” Redfish Summer months and Fall months. We are fortunate to be able to fish 12 months a year. I always get asked when the best time on the year is to fish, and it is not easy to answer that question, because you never know. September, October, and November might be the best answer. Really, the best time to fish Venice, Louisiana is when you have time to come down.;) Don't forget to like us on Facebook to read and share our reports and see more pictures.




Venice Louisiana Fishing ReportMarch 04 2018. 

February was a slow month for us here at Fish On. February usually is slow, but 12 to 15 days on the water is usually the norm. I guess we need to put out the word to the folks up North that the fishing is fair to good  60% to 70% of the time. Catching fish down here would be a lot more fun than hanging around the house in the frozen snow. March and April are busier than usual for us.

Captain Pete and myself just had a couple groups of anglers coming from Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, and North Carolina. They were all friends that decided to get reunited here for a get together. All three of Pete’s days were productive good days. Two of three days for my boat went good. We concentrated on the big “BULL” Redfish all three days and caught some really nice fish. We had two that went over 30 lbs. Many were over 25 lbs. and a bunch from 12lbs. to 25 lbs. We also boated a 34lb. freshwater Catfish on our standard Redfish rig, a plastic under a popping cork. We caught most of our fish in murky water instead of the clearer water. Good thing that was the case, because the Mississippi River stage has really jumped up early this year, so we are mostly forced to fish muddy water. The fish don’t leave because the river gets high. Our biggest challenge is to fish where the effects of the wind are not blowing us around, so we change locations mucho. Check out our pictures of some nice Redfish. Until next time!

Tell your friends up North about us here down south, we are open even in January, February and March! No frozen lakes here….